More drilling planned in GoM Who Dat area

July 30, 2024
LLOG plans to spud the Who Dat South exploration well in the US Gulf of Mexico during the current quarter, partner Karoon Energy said in a trading update.

LLOG plans to spud the Who Dat South exploration well in the US Gulf of Mexico during the current quarter, partner Karoon Energy said in a trading update.

Pending regulatory approvals, Seadrill's West Neptune drillship will test two prospective Miocene intervals, later than planned due to the twin impacts of Hurricane Beryl and operational issues on a prior well.

Karoon estimates that Who Dat South could contain 31 MMboe, with a geological probability of success of 52%. A further exploratory well, on Who Dat West, remains subject to approval by the joint venture.

The recently drilled Who Dat East exploration/appraisal well MC 509-1, 27 km east of the Who Dat floating production system, has been suspended as a future (tieback) producer after a high liquid yield gas-condensate in four intervals between 4,500 m to 7,600 m MD in Mid Miocene turbidite sandstones.

However, further wireline log interpretation is needed, along with laboratory analyses of samples and geotechnical studies of the identified hydrocarbon zones. This work should be completed in late 2024/early 2025.

During the second quarter, the licenses in which Who Dat East is located were unitized to allow for exploration and development as a single area. Under the unit operating agreement, LLOG is operator with 40%, Karoon has 40% and Westlawn Americas Offshore 20%. 

The partners are considering potential optimization opportunities for the current Who Dat infrastructure. Toward the end of the quarter, production from higher gas-producing wells, previously curtailed to prioritize oil production in the low gas price environment, was raised.

This, alongside improved management of the G manifold facility constraints, lifted overall production to about 43,000 boe/d in late June.