Anadarko Petroleum Corp. says its Itauna #1 well in block BM-C-29 offshore Brazil has encountered in excess of 275 net ft of oil and natural gas pay in two separate post-salt zones.
Offshore staff
HOUSTON -- Anadarko Petroleum Corp. says its Itauna #1 well in block BM-C-29 offshore Brazil has encountered in excess of 275 net ft of oil and natural gas pay in two separate post-salt zones on which show reports were filed with the Agencia Nacional do Petroleo, Gas Natural e Biocombustiveis (ANP).
"We are pleased that our first well on block BM-C-29 is a substantial discovery in the post-salt section," said Bob Daniels, Anadarko Sr. Vice President, Worldwide Exploration. "The already significant post-salt pay count could increase when we perform a bypass to obtain additional information that should address the unconsolidated formations in the existing hole. We are drilling ahead to test two targeted pre-salt objectives and expect to complete activities in the well by the end of the year."
The Itauna #1 well, which is located in approximately 250 ft of water, has been drilled to a current depth of approximately 15,250 ft with a planned total depth of nearly 18,000 ft. Following activities on this well, the rig will go to work for another operator, and then is expected to return to Anadarko in 2011 to conduct appraisal activity on the block. Anadarko operates block BM-C-29 with a 50% working interest. Ecopetrol is the co-owner in the block with a 50% working interest.