Longitude supports Warda platform studies offshore Egypt

July 1, 2024
Petrosafe has contracted Longitude Engineering to provide a Fitness for Future Service assessment on the Warda platform in the north central Gulf of Suez offshore Egypt.

OSLO, Norway/CAIRO, EgyptPetrosafe has contracted Longitude Engineering to provide a Fitness for Future Service assessment on the Warda platform in the north central Gulf of Suez offshore Egypt.

The structure comprises a four-legged jacket supporting wellhead and production facilities over the Al-Zaafarana oil field.

Petrosafe and Longitude are performing an engineering assessment to ensure the platform has sufficient strength and fatigue life for future operations.

The work scope includes reviewing the historical platform design, the installation plan, and previous inspection documentation; developing topside and below the water-line inspection plans; and preparation of structural integrity assessment including seismic, in-place, natural frequency and fatigue analyses.

In addition, Longitude will put together a cathodic protection assessment and report, a Fitness for Future Service assessment, and facilitate coordination with the independent verification bureau throughout the project. It will also provide inspection and maintenance repair plans for the platform.

Previously the company supported engineering for the flexible riser life extension program at Al-Zaafarana.

The company is the engineering and design branch of ABL Group