Belov orders Saab Seaeye Lynx ROV for deepwater Brazil
Offshore staff
FAREHAM, UK – Belov Engenharia has ordered a second Saab Seaeye Lynx ROV for its operations in Brazil.
The six thruster 1,500 m (4,920 ft)-rated Lynx will be used for the inspection of oil lines, risers and jackets.
For line inspection a Tritech digital altimeter has been fitted to maintain offset from the seabed as the ROV follows the pipeline. When undertaking jacket inspection, a fitted CDL fiber-optic gyro avoids magnetic interference from the jacket structure.
Other equipment fitted to the system includes a Seaeye wide-angle low-light color camera, a range of Konsberg cameras, including a high definition low-light CDD camera, a color zoom camera, and a high definition TV camera with fiber output.
A detachable tooling skid is also supplied together with a Gauntlet Plus four-function manipulator with a quick-change feature for fitting a cutter or rotary brush cleaner.
Along with an existing Lynx and a deep-rated falcon, the new ROV will work from both fixed rigs and ships.