Offshore staff
SEROOSKERKE, the Netherlands – OOS Energy has unveiled its new self-propelled jackup, the Multi Activity Unit (MAU).
This features a plug and abandonment (P&A) package. The rig can also perform well intervention/workover, drilling operations, and simultaneous activities on multiple wells.
Other features include two 1,200-metric ton cranes, sufficient to remove most platforms in the southern North Sea or other areas in the world with water depths up to 80 m (262 ft), OOS claims.
In addition, the MAU can transport and offload removed structures without assistance from other vessels or heavy-lift equipment.
Léon Overdulve, CEO ofOOS International, said: “The strength of our concept is SIMOPS (simultaneous operations); combining P&A with heavy-lift operations up to 2,400 tons without the need of a marine spread or mobilizing multiple vessels is in our view a cost reducing exercise.”
OOS Energy is currently finalizing the equipment packages and is in talks with shipyards on the construction of two units, with an expected availability in 4Q 2020 and 1Q 2021.
The first will be namedLuctor et Emergo.