

About Halliburton

Founded in 1919, Halliburton is a provider of products and services to the energy industry.


More Info on Halliburton

The company serves the upstream oil and gas industry throughout the life cycle of the reservoir - from locating hydrocarbons and managing geological data, to drilling and formation evaluation, well construction and completion, and optimizing production through the life of the field.

Halliburton comprises 13 product service lines (PSLs), which operate in two divisions: Drilling and Evaluation and Completion and Production. The Consulting and Project Management PSL works across both divisions and is the spearhead of the company's integrated-services strategy. 

Articles & News

Courtesy Flávio Emanuel / Petrobras News Agency
Petrobras and Halliburton ink offshore well intervention contract
Drilling & Completion

Petrobras awards Halliburton offshore well intervention, P&A contract

Aug. 9, 2024
The scope of the service contract includes fluids, completion equipment, wireline, slickline, flowback services and coiled tubing.
Courtesy Halliburton

Halliburton deploying Landmark modeling service at Maria field offshore mid-Norway

June 7, 2024
Wintershall Dea will use Halliburton Landmark’s new Unified Ensemble Modeling (UEM) service.
Courtesy Halliburton

Rhino Resources, Halliburton ink contract for deepwater work offshore Namibia

April 25, 2024
Halliburton will provide complete solutions to construct exploration and appraisal wells, along with testing services.
Courtesy Halliburton
Equipment Engineering

Halliburton Landmark supporting Mero Field digital twin development

Jan. 31, 2024
Halliburton Landmark is working with the Petrobras-led Libra Consortium on a digital twin for the presalt Mero Field in the Santos Basin offshore Brazil.
Courtesy Transocean / OMV Petrom news release
Drilling & Completion

Transocean, Halliburton manage Black Sea Neptun Deep drilling

Jan. 17, 2024
OMV Petrom has confirmed two drilling contracts for its Neptun Deep gas field development in the Romanian sector of the Black Sea.
Courtesy Hess
Hess Stampede
Equipment Engineering

Hess to use Halliburton's well construction tech for digital wells

March 22, 2023
Hess Corp. has selected Halliburton Landmark’s DecisionSpace 365 well construction applications to plan, design and construct its wells.
(Courtesy Halliburton)
An integrated barrier management system should be able to identify, monitor, analyze and mitigate risk.
Drilling & Completion

Transition to remote operations underscores need for robust barrier management

June 1, 2021
Automated managed pressure drilling systems can play key role.