Quicker cleaning process improves vessel utilization

Oct. 1, 2001
A necessary task for all bulk liquid carriers is to prepare the vessel for the next shipment.

A necessary task for all bulk liquid carriers is to prepare the vessel for the next shipment. Even if the carrier is scheduled to transport a load similar to the last delivery, the tanks should be swept clean of scale, dirt, and miscellaneous debris that may have accumulated.

The Gunclean Optima and Toftjorg SST40 are two of Gunclean Toftjorg's full line of programmable hold cleaning systems.

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Manual cleaning is dirty, dangerous, and expensive, but is still common practice in many parts of the world. High pressure hoses are used by workers lowered into the tanks. Even with this direct human attention some areas can be missed. An automated cleaning system can operate at higher pressures than are safe for human workers, can be programmed to sweep the tanks while relocating the vessel for a new load, and can finish the job in minimal time.

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It is also possible to reduce both cleaning time and cleaning fluid consumption by moving to an automated cleaning system. A single nozzle system like the Gunclean 270FT maximizes the effect of a compact and powerful jet stream of cleaning fluid. The system can be programmed to provide a light rinse or a heavy scouring wash depending on the cleaning needs of the tank. High pressure cleaning sprays are conducted in a horizontal helical pattern that covers the holding tank. The spiral pattern of the spray is concentrated near the bottom where the densest accumulations rest.

Most new supply vessels are installing dual-nozzle designs that combine chemical washes with hot water washes. Specialty chemical agents are required for vessels carrying drilling fluids, especially drilling mud. The wash procedure involves several steps:

  • Heat water and wash tank, drain to the slop tank
  • Wash a second time with fresh hot water and chemicals
  • Allow the solution to stand for 15-30 minutes
  • Circulate and filter allowing only 3-4 mm particles to pass
  • Wash and circulate once more then drain to the slop tank
  • Properly dispose of slop residue.

Double sprays

Gunclean Toftejorg can design a system of cleaning jets to fit the size and complexities of any vessel's hold. The turbine-driven system forces either water or oil through the nozzle(s) to fully clean the interior surfaces. Using shadow diagrams to show the effective reach of the spraying system, the company can create a spray system that will achieve the cleaning results desired by the vessel owner. The systems can be operated in both automatic and manual modes to address all cleaning needs.

Recently, a new tank cleaning system was introduced. Based on a Consilium Marine design, the two-machine installation cleans in sectors with a small overlap on the sides, below deck, and at the bottom. The overlap ensures complete coverage in the shortest possible cleaning time.

Gunclean Toftjorg is presently enjoying the "boom" in new supply boat building by supplying tank and hold cleaning systems to the new fleet being built. This new market demand is only part of the growing need for automated cleaning systems as older vessels gain the benefit of new equipment during refurbishment. ;

For more information, contact Björn Lundgren, Gunclean Toftejorg. Tel: +46 31 710 79 50, Fax: +46 31 710 79 75, E-mail: [email protected] .