Shearwater boosting fleet with multi-function ROV/survey vessel
Oct. 4, 2022
Shearwater GeoServices is converting the multipurpose vessel SW Tasman to a dual-ROV seismic vessel.
Courtesy Shearwater GeoServices
The dual ROV vessel, under Shearwater ownership and management, is expected to be available to clients early in second-quarter 2023 following a conversion of the SW Tasman multipurpose vessel (pictured).
Offshore staff
BERGEN, Norway —Shearwater GeoServices is converting the multipurpose vessel SW Tasman to a dual-ROV seismic vessel. It should be available to clients next spring.
It will be equipped to deploy ocean-bottom nodes in deepwater and shallow water, provide source for surveys and conduct towed streamer surveys.
According to Shearwater CEO Irene Waage Basili, this will be the world’s first commercial multi-technology geophysical ROV vessel with source and towed streamer capability, also capable of performing ocean-bottom ROV surveys.
Ulstein Design & Solutions is managing the conversion engineering, with Evotec providing launch and recovery systems and ROVOP the dual work ROVs with associated ROV personnel.