Odfjell rigs to drill three more wells offshore Norway
Sept. 8, 2022
Odfjell Drilling has secured more work for two of its rigs in the Norwegian sector.
Courtesy Odfjell Drilling LinkedIn
Offshore staff
BERGEN, Norway—Odfjell Drilling has secured more work for two of its rigs in the Norwegian sector.
On behalf of CIMC Raffles, owner of the semisub Deepsea Yantai, Odfjell will use the rig to drill a well for DNO Norge in PL 984. The 50-day program will start in Q2/Q3 2023.
Aker BP has assigned two more wells to Odfjell's Deepsea Nordkapp semisubmersible with the program estimated to last about six months and in direct continuation of the current firm contract period.
Value of the extra work is $60 million (excluding any integrated services and an applicable performance bonus).