BMT to monitor Egina risers offshore Nigeria

Oct. 31, 2014
Saipem has contracted BMT Scientific Marine Services to supply the riser integrity monitoring systems for Total’s deepwater Egina development, 150 km (93 mi) offshore Nigeria. 

Offshore staff

ESCONDIDO, California – Saipem has contracted BMT Scientific Marine Services to supply the riser integrity monitoring systems for Total’s deepwater Egina development, 150 km (93 mi) offshore Nigeria.

These systems are designed to measure bending moments and tensile forces in risers. The data is used to verify riser design models, and potentially leading to improvements in riser design.

Egina’s systems will incorporate BMT’s ROV-serviceable subsea strain sensor assembly, configured for continuous monitoring and data collection and to preserve the absolute bending and tension measurement while a sensor is being removed and replaced.
