F-Decom system assists oil removal from North Sea Brent platform
Oct. 15, 2020
Hunting Energy Services’ Subsea Technologies division has deployed Enpro Subsea’s Field Decommissioning system at Shell’s Brent Bravo platform in the UK northern North Sea.
(Courtesy Enpro Subsea)
The F-Decom tooling system deploying its ‘anchor hub’ onto a subsea cell top.
Offshore staff
ABERDEEN, UK – Hunting Energy Services’ Subsea Technologies division has deployed Enpro Subsea’s Field Decommissioning (F-Decom) system at Shell’s Brent Bravo platform in the UK northern North Sea.
Enpro’s technology is said to have allowed safe access to and removal of ‘attic’ oil from concrete storage cells at the base of the platform in 140 m (459 ft) water depth.
The system was run with Enpro’s offshore engineers and onshore support teams working alongside DeepOcean’s operations and subsea teams onboard the construction vessel Maersk Forza.
According to Enpro, F-Decom is the sole proven system for securely accessing fluids within gravity-based structures concrete cells, helping operators to safely meet their decommissioning regulatory obligations in European waters.
The patented 'anchor hub' technology mechanically locks into the concrete cell cap, allowing tooling to be compact and lighter, and therefore installable and operable using work class ROVs within a broad weather window.