Location found for Norwegian Errai carbon capture terminal

Jan. 9, 2023
Horisont Energi has an option agreement with Haugaland Næringspark to locate the CO2 terminal for the Errai carbon capture and storage project in Gismarvik, Rogaland.

Offshore staff

SANDNES, Norway Horisont Energi has an option agreement with Haugaland Næringspark to locate the CO2 terminal for the Errai carbon capture and storage project in Gismarvik, Rogaland.

Errai, claimed to be Norway’s first commercial CO2 storage project in Norway, is a collaboration between Horisont Energi and Neptune Energy. In addition to the onshore terminal for intermediate storage and the quay facility, it will include an associated offshore reservoir for permanent storage of CO2.

Haugaland Næringspark has one of Norway’s largest industrial areas, with access to fiber, electricity, water and sewage, and a large harbor basin with a deepsea quay said to be suitable for the Errai project.

The CO2 terminal will receive CO2 from mainland European and Norwegian customers, including from the planned CO2 terminal in the Port of Rotterdam. Incoming carbon would then be transported through pipeline to the North Sea, for injection and permanent storage in an offshore reservoir.

Horisont Energi and Neptune Energy have applied to Norway’s Ministry of Petroleum and Energy for storage of CO2 in the announced area on the Norwegian Continental Shelf. The award of a license should follow during the first half of this year, with the project due to be operational in 2026.

Errai will be designed to store 4 MMmetric tons to 8 MM metric tons per year of CO2, potentially more during later phases of the project. Horisont Energi recently announced that E.ON will store more than 1 MM metric tons of CO2.

Odin Estensen, Neptune Energy’s managing director for Norway and the UK, said, “We look forward to leveraging both our oil and gas operations capabilities as well as our significant global experience from operating carbon capture and storage activities."



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