ABS supporting Lu Feng 12-3 FPSO, platform construction
Aug. 18, 2021
An FPSO on order for the Lu Feng 12-3 oilfield offshore China will be built to ABS Class.
(Courtesy CRI)
Offshore staff
TIANJIN, China – An FPSO on order for the Lu Feng 12-3 oilfield offshore China will be built to ABS Class.
China National Offshore Oil Company Energy and Technology Services Company (CenerTech) ordered the 100,000-dwt vessel on behalf of Lu Feng 12-3 operator SK Innovation.
Development also includes a new wellhead platform with a modular drilling rig, under construction at the China Petroleum Offshore Engineering Yard in Qingdao, and claimed to be the second largest for an Asian offshore project.
This will be installed in 241 m (791 ft) water depth and connected to the FPSO via a 3-km (1.86-mi) subsea cable and pipeline. ABS will also certify the platform.