Trio complete Gulf of Mexico FLNG vessel FEED

Oct. 13, 2020
Delfin Midstream, Samsung Heavy Industries, and Black & Veatch have completed front-end engineering and design of the newbuild 3.5-mtpa FLNG vessel for the Delfin LNG project.

Offshore staff

HOUSTON – Delfin Midstream, Samsung Heavy Industries, and Black & Veatch have completed front-end engineering and design (FEED) of the newbuild 3.5-mtpa FLNG vessel for the Delfin LNG project.

Delfin LNG is a planned brownfield deepwater port located 39 nautical miles offshore Cameron Parish, Louisiana, to support up to four FLNG vessels producing up to 13 mtpa of LNG.

The Delfin newbuild FLNG vessel design uses the latest gas turbine technology, optimizations of Black & Veatch’s patented PRICO liquefaction technology, direct air cooling, and waste-heat recovery to achieve maximum fuel efficiency and minimal emissions.

Each vessel will be equipped with two offloading facilities to service both large, ocean-going carriers as well as the regional demand for LNG bunkering and small-scale carriers.

The FEED results together with the overall project development activities enable the company to execute the project for a total capital cost of around $550/tpa.

In parallel to the FEED, the parties have developed a term sheet for a lump-sum, turnkey engineering, procurement, construction, integration and commissioning contract as basis for the development of a fully termed agreement.

Delfin CEO Dudley Poston said: “The successful completion of our FEED confirms our ability to offer industry leading pricing of 115% of Henry Hub plus $2.00 for 20-year transactions. The flexibility of a low cost, floating asset also allows Delfin to offer shorter term 10-year deals for 115% of Henry Hub plus $2.40 or flexible tolling structures.”
