X1 Wind


About X1 Wind

X1 Wind is a technology-based company.


More Info on X1 Wind

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X1 Wind is developing a disruptive floating platform for offshore wind. The company said the design drivers have been a significant weight reduction compared to current systems, simplified installation with a quick connection system, elimination of unnecessary systems to reduce maintenance and scalability. 

Articles & News

Courtesy X1 Wind
X1 Wind's X30 floating wind prototype installed in the Canary Islands has successfully produced its first kWh, marking Spain’s first floating wind prototype to export electricity via a subsea cable.
Renewable Energy

TLP mooring system decreases floating offshore wind costs

Oct. 31, 2023
The PivotBuoy Project is the world’s first fully functional TLP floating wind platform to export electricity.
Courtesy X1 Wind
The X30 platform was featured in X1 Wind’s PivotBuoy project.
Renewable Energy

X1 Wind reports successful PivotBuoy project results

Oct. 17, 2023
The PivotBuoy project has reportedly finalized its offshore demonstration, and data show ‘good’ alignment with the wind using passive orientation system.
Courtesy The PivotBuoy Project
The X30 platform is said to combine the advantages of a single-point mooring system with a tension leg platform.
Renewable Energy

PivotBuoy workshop showcases novel offshore wind energy system

March 28, 2023
The X30 platform is now feeding the electricity into PLOCAN’s smart grid.
Courtesy X1 Wind
X1 Wind Pivot Buoy Project Operating In Canary Islands Scaled
Renewable Energy

X30 floating wind pilot generates first offshore power

March 8, 2023
This is the world’s first floating wind platform installed with a TLP mooring system, X1 Wind claimed.
Courtesy X1 Wind
X1 Wind
Renewable Energy

X1 Wind ready for PivotBuoy installation after dynamic cable deployment

Aug. 2, 2022
X1 Wind has successfully laid its dynamic cable and is ready for final installation of its fully functional floating wind PivotBuoy prototype at the test site in the Canary Islands...
(Courtesy X1 Wind)
X1 Wind Platform
Renewable Energy

X1 Wind gets funds for floating wind technology development

June 24, 2021
X1 Wind has secured €2.5 million ($3 million) through the European Innovation Council Accelerator program to launch its first commercial floating wind project.
(Courtesy X1 Wind)
The PivotBuoy combines a single point mooring system with a small TLP.
Renewable Energy

X1 Wind to test floating prototype offshore the Canary Islands

May 5, 2021
The PivotBuoy will be installed at the PLOCAN test site offshore the Canary Islands.