Tidal app supports Robin Rigg wind farm maintenance

March 12, 2024
Cognitive Business has applied a bathymetric tidal application to RWE’s Robin Rigg wind farm development in the Solway Firth offshore Britain.

Offshore staff

NOTTINGHAM, UK Cognitive Business has applied a bathymetric tidal application to RWE’s Robin Rigg wind farm development in the Solway Firth offshore western Britain.

The app is designed to allow operators and planners to identify high and low tides around the sandbank on which the development is located and high seabeds. The sandbank location presents issues with wind turbine accessibility.

Cognitive’s decision-making system is said to help plan accessibility to individual turbines to perform operation and maintenance activities.

The app contains 234 million bathymetric readings that have been processed for comparison to tidal and vessel keel data. It is also said to be capable of providing forecasts over 12 months ahead.

It extracts the relevant datapoints—plotting turbine accessibility—and reports these on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. Using live dashboards, planners can assess potential risks and plan their campaigns accordingly.

Cognitive is also supplying a suite of AI and forecasting services for Robin Rigg, including the company’s WAVES technology. This should allow RWE to plot with greater accuracy the operation of maintenance vessels in and out of harbour.

Other services are production forecasting to help determine the most productive turbines so maintenance efforts can be directed elsewhere and advanced pattern recognition, comparing performance with the previous year and steering activity to address detected anomalies.
