Demark opens consultations on three proposed offshore wind farm sites

March 7, 2023
The Danish Energy Agency has issued a call for ideas on the strategic environmental assessment of the plan for new offshore wind farms in three areas.

Offshore staff

COPENHAGEN, Denmark  The Danish Energy Agency (DEA) has issued a call for ideas on the strategic environmental assessment of the plan for new offshore wind farms in three areas.

In June 2022, signatory parties to the Climate Agreement on green electricity and heat agreed that a minimum of 4 GW offshore wind capacity in Danish waters should be tendered for construction by the end of 2030, plus a further 2 GW from offshore wind developments over the same period.

A subsequent supplementary agreement ruled that one of the 2-GW projects should be part of the Energy Island Bornholm, where capacity has been expanded from 2 GW to 3 GW.

Final locations of the three new wind farms will depend on a political decision. However, in view of the construction deadlines, the DEA is initiating planning, environmental assessments and preliminary investigations of the offshore Nordsøen I, Kattegat II and Kriegers Flak II areas.

Public hearings for the assessments are in the scoping phase, which will continue until the end of this month.

Late last year Rystad Energy reported that Denmark is one of the five largest offshore wind markets in Europe, with further capacity additions likely in the coming decades to help meet Europe’s low-carbon power needs. However, Rystad's forecast for Denmark amounts to about 9 GW of offshore wind capacity by 2030, so more additions will need to come online this decade to meet its 12.9-GW target.
