Study proposes offshore platform complex for hydrogen production/storage
Jan. 6, 2022
Offshore staff
BRUSSELS, Belgium – Tractebel Overdick has developed a concept for offshore infrastructure and processing facilities for storing hydrogen in subsurface salt caverns.
The basis is a scalable offshore platform for the compression and storage of up to 1.2 MMcm of hydrogen, with the underground caverns providing storage and a buffer for the ‘green’ hydrogen produced offshore, before the gas is transported via pipeline to the onshore grid.
According to Tractebel, current hydrogen production technologies related to offshore wind will only make an effective contribution if rates reach an industrial scale.
In 2019 the company developed its offshore hydrogen platform concept, followed by an optimized, scalable version in 2020.
The proposed offshore platform complex comprises a wellhead platform for operation of the caverns and various compression platforms that would allow a staged increase in capacity, with the potential for further expansion through additional modules.
The study assumes a capacity equivalent to converting 2 GW of green offshore wind power into hydrogen.
Klaas Oltmann, director Business Development at Tractebel Overdick, said: “Centralized offshore hydrogen hubs also facilitate the integration of smaller-scale hydrogen production, which is to be expected within the scope of capacity expansions while re-powering offshore wind farms in the future.”
The storage and compressor platforms would process 400,000 Nm3/hr of hydrogen, stored in underground salt caverns at a pressure of up to 180 bar (2,610 psi). The storage facilities would also buffer production peaks, optimize flow rates and could therefore lead to a more economical design of the export pipeline.