ONS 2022: Shell's Vito oil field to start production in early 2023, partner Equinor says

Aug. 31, 2022
Shell's Vito deepwater oil field in the US Gulf of Mexico will start production in early 2023, partner Equinor said on Aug. 31 at the Offshore Northern Seas conference.

Offshore staff

STAVANGER, Norway  Shell's Vito deepwater oil field in the US Gulf of Mexico (GoM) will start production in early 2023, partner Equinor said on Aug. 31, according to a Reuters report.

"It is in the early stages of being installed with the intent of first production [in] early 2023," Chris Golden, Equinor's US country manager, said at the Offshore Norther Seas (ONS) conference in Norway.

Equinor has a 36.9% stake in Vito.

Equinor is present at ONS this week (hall 8, booth 8000). 

Earlier this week, Financial Times reported that Europe may be facing years of energy rationing and the need to find alternative supplies as its energy crisis worsens and Russia restricts natural gas flows, according to Shell CEO Ben van Beurden. 

According to an EIA report in June, GoM fields coming online this year include those at Argos/Mad Dog 2, Vito, Lobster, Dome Patrol, Olympus, Taggart, and the Kings Quay fields. The agency noted that the large development fields at Argos/Mad Dog 2, King’s Quay, and Vito each has a peak production capacity of 100,000 boe/d or more.



By José Cruz/Agência Câmara - http://agenciabrasil.ebc.com.br/internacional/foto/2015-04/o-presidente-mundial-da-shell-bem-van-beurden-da-entrevista, CC BY 3.0 br, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=39782169
Shell CEO Ben van Beurden

Courtesy "Karoon Energy 2024 Half Year Results" presentation, August 2024
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