Equinor wells prove more oil, gas at North Sea Gudrun field

Sept. 17, 2024
The semisubmersible Deepsea Stavanger drilled two exploration wells in 110 m water depth.

Equinor has discovered more oil and gas at the producing Gudrun field in the Norwegian North Sea.

The semisubmersible Deepsea Stavanger drilled exploration wells 15/3-13 S and 15/3-13 A on license PL 025, in 110 m water depth.

Well 15/3-13 S encountered thin oil-bearing sandstone layers in the Late Jurassic intra-Draupne formation, and gas in two intervals in the Hugin formation. Well 15/3-13 A also intersected encountered oil in the intra-Draupne formation.

Both have since been P&A’d.

The Norwegian Ocean Directorate said initial analysis indicate 0.1-1.2 MMcmoe recoverable in the intra-Draupne formation, and 0.4-1.3 MMcmoe in the Hugin formation.

Equinor and its partners will assess the results in light of prospectivity in the area.