Today, June 10, Anasuria Operating Co. (AOC) marks its second anniversary as the duty holder of the Anasuria FPSO. AOC is the joint operating company held equally by Ping Petroleum UK Plc and Anasuria Hibiscus UK Ltd. to be the operator of the Anasuria Cluster.
Courtesy Hibiscus Petroleum UK
The Marigold, Sunflower and Kildrummy assets in the North Sea are operated by Anasuria Hibiscus, with joint venture partners Ithaca Energy (UK) Ltd. and Caldera Petroleum (UK) Ltd.
This covers blocks 15/13c and block 15/18c, part of the Quad 15 area containing the Cross prospect and hydrocarbon lead northwest of the Marigold Field.
Both could potentially be tied into the joint Marigold and Sunflower field development.