PSA concerned at safety deficiencies offshore Norway

Nov. 1, 2021
Numerous audits of facilities and projects on the Norwegian continental shelf are identifying capacity and competence issues, Norway’s Petroleum Safety Authority has warned.

Offshore staff

OSLO, Norway – Numerous audits of facilities and projects on the Norwegian continental shelf are identifying capacity and competence issues, Norway’s Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) has warned.

These concern operators and licensees, and both large and small companies.

Related conditions have contributed to serious incidents over the past couple of years, the PSA added, with the availability of well-qualified personnel a major challenge among suppliers.

The future of Norway’s petroleum industry will increasingly be dominated by aging infrastructure, automation, new modes of operation, and projects related to new forms of energy, the Authority continued.

To ensure safety in an increasingly complex environment, there needs to be a competent labor force and good manning levels, the PSA advised, and suggested that decision-makers in companies should undertake a detailed assessment of their own positions in their own organization.
