More wells in production at North Sea Sverdrup, Grieg field centers
Oct. 29, 2021
Offshore staff
STOCKHOLM, Sweden – Development work is progressing at the Johan Sverdrup field in the Norwegian North Sea, partner Lundin Energy revealed in its latest operations review.
One production well was completed in the reporting period, bringing the total of active producer wells to 14.
The field is operating with power supplied from shore, with CO2 emissions of less than 0.1 kg/boe, one of the lowest for any field worldwide, Lundin claimed.
Next spring the topsides for the second processing platform should be installed on the jacket, part of the Sverdrup Phase 2 development.
Subsea facilities and flowlines installation work are on schedule for completion later this year, with drilling operations on the subsea wells set to begin early in 2022. Disruptions caused by COVID-19 have been managed and the project overall is now around 65% complete.
At the nearby, Lundin Norway-operated Edvard Grieg field, the jackup Valaris Viking has completed the second and third infill wells, both of which should come online later this year.
Power from shore at Grieg should begin in late 2022, as part of a program encompassing various fields in the Utsira High area. The power cable has been installed on and laid on the seabed at the Sverdrup complex.
Retirement of the gas turbine power generation system on the Grieg platform and installation of electric boilers to provide process heat remains on schedule. In addition, Lundin expects to benefit from a circa 10% increase in gas sales from Grieg following the removal of the power generation turbines.
Later in the current quarter Lundin’s final exploration well of the year should get under way on the Lyderhorn prospect.
Last month, the appraisal wells on Lille Prinsen in the Utsira High in license PL167 confirmed a combined resource range of 12-60 MMboe. Work is in progress on a development solution, with a view to achieving project sanction in 2022.