Equinor faces an investigation by Norway’s Petroleum Safety Authority following an injury on the Johan Sverdrup riser platform in the North Sea last week.
(Photo: Anette Westgård - Woldcam / Equinor)
The Johan Sverdrup riser platform.
Offshore staff
OSLO, Norway – Equinor faces an investigation by Norway’s Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA) following an injury on the Johan Sverdrup riser platform in the North Sea last week.
During lifting by crane of a structural component, one person was struck and injured and had to be flown ashore for medical treatment.
The PSA regards the incident as serious, and plans an investigation focused with various objectives:
These include clarifying the course of events and the scope of the incident; assessing the actual and potential consequences of the incident, and its direct and underlying causes; identify irregularities and improvement points; applying enforcement powers to correct any possible regulatory breaches.