Petrobras, Shell sign up to 26 blocks in Brazil’s offshore Pelotas basin

Sept. 3, 2024
Petrobras and Shell have signed 26 concession contracts covering blocks in the Pelotas basin offshore southern Brazil.

Petrobras and Shell have signed 26 concession contracts covering blocks in the Pelotas basin offshore southern Brazil.

The National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP) made these available last December under Brazil’s 14th Permanent Concession Offer Cycle.

Petrobras will operate all with a 70% interest, with Shell holding the remaining 30%.

The awards cover blocks P-M-1277, P-M-1279, P-M-1281, P-M-1361, P-M-1363, P-M-1441, P-M-1443, P-M-1357, P-M-1359, P-M-1439, P-M-1516, P-M-1518, P-M-1595, P-M-1597, P-M-1793, P-M-1795, P-M-1838, P-M-1840, P-M-1520, P-M-1522, P-M-1599, P-M-1674, P-M-1676, P-M-1678, P-M-1743, P-M-1799.

Under the same offer, Petrobras acquired three further blocks in partnership. Contracts for these will be signed later.

Petrobras said the concessions align with its strategy of diversifying its portfolio.

They also strengthen its position as the main operator of oil fields in deep and ultradeep waters offshore Brazil.