Indonesia approves South Natuna Sea Mako gas project
Nov. 8, 2022
Empyrean Energy Plc advised that Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has approved the updated plan of development (PoD) for the Mako gas project in the offshore Duyung PSC.
SUBIACO, Australia—Empyrean Energy Plc advised that Indonesia’s Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources has approved the updated plan of development (PoD) for the Mako gas project in the offshore Duyung PSC.
According to one of the project partners, Empyrean Energy, Mako is the largest undeveloped gas field in the South Natuna Sea with estimated contingent resources of 297 Bcf.
Courtesy Empyrean Energy
Operator West Natuna Exploration is targeting first gas in 2025 at up to 120 MMcf/d. The development is said to be in line with Indonesia's objective of doubling its domestic gas production by 2030.
However, at present, there is no infrastructure to transmit the gas from the Mako Field to domestic markets in Indonesia. Under the updated PoD, gas will be exported to Singapore, which is already connected to the West Natuna Gas Transportation System, until evacuation routes to Indonesia are in place.
At that point, up to 25% of production may be allocated for domestic sale.
Coro Energy is the other partner in the Duyung PSC.