Morocco sanctions EIA for offshore Anchois gas project
Oct. 31, 2023
Morocco’s Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development has approved Chariot’s environmental impact assessment (EIA) for its Anchois gas development.
LONDON — Morocco’s Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development has approved Chariot’s environmental impact assessment (EIA) for its Anchois gas development offshore Morocco.
For the 12-month preparation process, Chariot drew on findings from offshore and onshore environmental and social baseline surveys and discussions with relevant parties concerning a public enquiry process that covered four local provinces.
Its final report details the required planning, mitigation and monitoring measures to follow during construction and production.
The EIA, which integrates recommendations from the National Environmental Committee, is valid for five years and incorporates all aspects of the development, including future planned offshore wells and infrastructure, the onshore central process facility receiving gas from the Anchois Field and the subsequent connection to the overland GME gas trunkline system.
Courtesy Chariot Transitional Energy July 2023 AGM presentation