Impact secures funding for multiple wells offshore Namibia
May 4, 2023
Impact Oil & Gas has raised $95 million via an open offer to its shareholders to fund its exploration activities offshore southern Africa.
Courtesy Impact Oil & Gas
Offshore staff
VANCOUVER, Canada – Impact Oil & Gas has raised $95 million via an open offer to its shareholders to fund its exploration activities offshore southern Africa, according to an April 28 company announcement.
Africa Oil has agreed to pay Impact $31.4 million, raising its stake in the London-based company from 30.9% to 31.1%, with the proceeds going toward:
A current appraisal and development program on Block 2913B in the Orange Basin offshore Namibia, operated by TotalEnergies. This comprises the Venus 1-A appraisal well, which spud on March 4, a reentry of last year’s Venus-1X discovery well, and testing of both wells; and
Further drilling/testing activity on neighboring Block 2912 to determine the extent of the Venus discovery and drilling of the Nara-1X exploration well.
If Nara-1X is successful, an appraisal well (Nara-1A) and an extended 3D seismic survey will follow.