TDI-Brooks completes sampling program offshore Ivory Coast
Oct. 16, 2020
TDI-Brooks International Inc., teamed with Créocéan and Benthic Solutions, has completed an environmental baseline study for Total E&P Côte d’Ivoire.
(Courtesy TDI-Brooks)
Offshore staff
COLLEGE STATION, Texas – TDI-Brooks International Inc., teamed with Créocéan and Benthic Solutions, has completed an environmental baseline study for Total E&P Côte d’Ivoire.
The company deployed the R/V Proteus to blocks CI-705 and CI-706 to conduct seawater sampling and profiling (CTD rosette) as well as planton sampling (bongo net) at seven stations, sediment sampling (mega box core) at 45 stations, and live feed benthic video sled at 24 transects.
The two blocks cover an area of about 3,200 sq km (1,236 sq mi), and present multi-target hydrocarbon prospects in water depths ranging from 1,000 to 2,000 m (3,281 to 6,562 ft).