Aminex has prepared an application for a Development License over the Kiliwani North gas discovery in the Nyuni Block offshore Tanzania, according to partner Key Petroleum.
Offshore staff
PERTH, Australia– Aminex has prepared an application for a Development License over the Kiliwani North gas discovery in the Nyuni Block offshore Tanzania, according to partner Key Petroleum.
The partners are aiming for first production in late 2012, after gas processing facilities on Songo Songo Island have been expanded. They are currently holding discussions on offtake opportunities with local parties in Tanzania.
Key says preparations also continue for drilling of the Nyuni#2 exploration well, now expected to start early in 2011.
The well will drilled directionally from a location on Nyuni Island in the northeast of the block, to a subsurface target 1.2 km (0.75 mi) to the south east.
It will crestally test a very large anticlinal closure drilled in 2003 / 04 by the Nyuni #1 offshore well, which discovered a 15-m gas zone in an Albian-Aptian sandstone body. However, the gas-bearing zone was not flow tested at that time for operational reasons.
In the offshore West Songo Songo Block, where Key holds a 50% stake via its subsidiary Funguo Petroleum, seismic reprocessing continues.
The aim is to improve definition of known leads in the area such as Chocha and Afisi.
Key says the fairway of Upper Cretaceous stratigraphic leads has been upgraded since Anadarko’s discovery of an oil and gas reservoir in an age-equivalent section in the deepwater Ironclad No. 1 well to the south, off northern Mozambique.