Neptune, InformatiQ develop digital twins for subsea wells

July 15, 2021
Neptune Energy has digitalized its subsea wells in Norwegian waters to improve drilling and production efficiency.

Offshore staff

LONDONNeptune Energy has digitalized its subsea wells in Norwegian waters to improve drilling and production efficiency.

The company developed digital twins of the wells in collaboration with InformatiQ, an oil and gas data visualization specialist that creates detailed 3D models which combine data on infrastructure, wells, and geology.

InformatiQ’s GeologiQ cloud-based software combined raw E&P data in 3D and 2D environments and deployed 3D gaming technology. The results allow Neptune’s drilling and wells teams to visualize historical and live data to help improve well design and use the findings for future operations.

Neptune Energy’s director of Drilling & Wells for Norway, Thor Andre Løvoll, said: “By digitalizing all subsea wells within our Norwegian portfolio we have greatly improved our ability to plan interventions, monitor drilling and production operations in real-time, and gain better understanding of the wells’ history.”

Previously Neptune created digital twins of various operated platforms in the Norwegian, UK and Dutch sectors of the North Sea, to allow planning of offshore site inspections and maintenance planning to be performed from land.

In addition, the company has implemented Virtual Reality technology, originally developed to train astronauts heading to the International Space Station, on the Gjøa platform.
