Baltic Pipe construction under way offshore Denmark
July 1, 2021
Saipem’s pipelay vessel Castorone has started laying the 275-km (171-mi) Baltic Pipe gas trunkline between Poland and Denmark.
(Courtesy Baltic Pipe Project)
Offshore staff
WARSAW, Poland – Saipem’s pipelay vessel Castorone has started laying the 275-km (171-mi) Baltic Pipe gas trunkline between Poland and Denmark.
Operations began in Danish waters close to the mid-point of the pipeline route in the Baltic Sea, close to the island of Bornholm. The Castorone will follow a north-westerly track.
Two other Saipem vessels, Castoro Sei and Castoro 10, currently stationed in Rotterdam, will be deployed for the program.
Other vessels are currently engaged in subsea works for Baltic Pipe such as pipe deliveries, surveys, dredging, rock placement, and preparation of crossings with existing third-party infrastructure along the pipeline route. Depending on the weather, work on the pipeline should be completed this year.