Passive acoustic monitoring investigates offshore GoM ecology

July 16, 2015
ASV has collaborated with the Littoral Acoustic Demonstration Center Gulf Ecological Monitoring and Modeling consortium to conduct 10 days of passive acoustic monitoring data collection for its BP/Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative funded project.

Offshore staff

BROUSSARD, Louisiana– ASV has collaborated with the Littoral Acoustic Demonstration Center Gulf Ecological Monitoring and Modeling consortium to conduct 10 days of passive acoustic monitoring (PAM) data collection for its BP/Gulf of Mexico Research Initiative (GoMRI) funded project.

Data was collected usingASV’s C-Worker 6 and C-Enduro autonomous surface vehicles operating from the R/V Pelican coastal research vessel.

The three-year BP/GoMRI sponsored project intends to investigate how the 2010Deepwater Horizon oil spill affects marine mammal populations near the spill, as well as to improve methods for monitoring everyday operations in the Gulf of Mexico.
