Vaalco to reprocess Angola deepwater presalt seismic data

Jan. 27, 2014
Vaalco has updated two exploration programs offshore West Africa.

Offshore staff

HOUSTON – Vaalco has updated two exploration programs offshore West Africa.

The company has agreed to license and reprocess 3D seismic data over the deepwater segment of block 5 offshore Angola.

Around 1,060 sq km (409 sq mi) of 3D data will be licensed, merged with a previously acquired 1,175-sq km (454-sq mi) 3D survey, and reprocessed through prestack depth migration.

Vaalco aims to use the results to improve definition of Ombundi and other presalt leads in the deepwater portion of the block

Last month, the KCA Deutag rigBen Rinnes spudded an exploration well for Vaalco on the Dimba prospect, 7 mi (11.3 km) northeast of the Etame field offshore Gabon. Water depth is around 175 ft (53 m).

The aim is to evaluate both the Gamba and deepersyn-rift formations. Additionally, the rig will re-drill the S. Tchibala 1-H well, which experienced a casing failure in early 2013, and also conduct a workover on the Avouma 2-H well to replace a failed submersible pump assembly.

Construction remains on schedule of the two production platforms for another development of theEtame Marin block. During the second half of 2014, one platform is due to be installed on the Etame field and the other between the Southeast Etame and North Tchibala fields.

Vaalco plans a six-day shutdown of the Etame Marin facilities in March to upgrade the safety systems and perform general maintenance and repairs on the FPSO vessel.
