Gold Oil has signed a letter of intent with BGP Geoexplorer PTE Ltd. for a 3D seismic survey over Gold’s block Z34 offshore Peru.
Offshore staff
LIMA, Peru– Gold Oil has signed a letter of intent with BGP Geoexplorer PTE Ltd. for a 3D seismic survey over Gold’s block Z34 offshore Peru. The survey is to cover 500 sq km (193 sq mi), according to Gold.
This initial survey comprises the first phase of 3D seismic over the license and a further 1,100 sq km (425 sq mi) will be required to evaluate the northern area of this block.
The BGP Pioneer is expected into the area for work to begin in early July. The Peruvian Ministry of Energy and Mines has approved the environmental permit covering this first portion of the lock Z34 survey.