TGS and SLB have started acquisition of the Engagement 4 ocean-bottom node (OBN) multiclient survey in the US Gulf of Mexico (GoM).
Courtesy TGS
Offshore staff
OSLO, Norway— TGS and SLB have started acquisition of the Engagement 4 ocean-bottom node (OBN) multiclient survey in the US Gulf of Mexico (GoM).
The 152 OCS Block, sparse OBN program is designed to extend contiguous data coverage from earlier phases into the western Green Canyon, an area known for complex subsurface imaging, according to TGS.
The campaign will include application of full-waveform inversion using ultra-long offsets, with results supporting work on existing leases and future lease sale acreage.
Fast-track products will be available in fourth-quarter 2023 with final processing due to finish in the second half of next year.