Petrobras contracts Seabed Geosolutions for Sapinhóa surveys
June 10, 2021
Petrobras expects a new seismic survey to get under way this weekend at the Sapinhoá field in the presalt Santos basin offshore Brazil.
(Courtesy Seabed Geosolutions)
Manta is a single four-component ocean bottom node technology.
Offshore staff
RIO DE JANEIRO – Petrobras expects a new seismic survey to get under way this weekend at the Sapinhoá field in the presalt Santos basin offshore Brazil.
Seabed Geosolutions do Brasil will perform 3D and 4D geophysical acquisition and processing, under contracts valued at around $118 million in total.
The 3D survey, covering 575 sq km (222 sq mi), will start this month, with 4D monitoring to follow over a 478-sq km (184-sq mi) area in 2024. Both will employ ocean bottom node (OBN) sensors on the seafloor to obtain improved response in this geologically complex presalt region.
Switching between 3D geophysical data and 4D acquisition should allow Petrobras’ reservoir geoscientists and engineers to follow fluid displacement, observe oil and water saturation variation, and to identify rock-fluid interaction and geomechanical behavior of reservoirs.
This should lead to improved management of oil recovery and development.
Petrobras operates the Sapinhoá field concession in partnership with Shell and Repsol Sinopec.