Offshore Nigeria projects enter drilling phase

May 20, 2014
Afren says installation has started of the Central Fault Block extension platform on the Ebok field offshore Nigeria.

Offshore staff

LONDON– Afren says installation has started of the Central Fault Block extension platform on the Ebok field offshore Nigeria.

Development drilling is expected to get under way this summer targeting additional reservoirs in the block.

Batch drilling has started from the Ebok West Fault Block platform into the North Fault Block, with production to the existing MOPU. Later this year Afren plans to drill the step-out exploration well Ebok Deep.

Okoro, another offshore Nigeria field, has been averaging 15,648 b/d of oil. Afren and its partners have approval from the Nigerian authorities for theOkoro Further Field development.

The Okwok wellhead jacket has been fabricated and is on its way to the field area. Following installation of the platform development drilling is expected to start in 3Q 2014.

The company has completed a 2,716-sq km (1,048-sq mi)3D seismic program across its OPL 310 and OML 113 leases to determine the full extent of the syn-rift play and other dip-closed structures north and east of its Ogo discovery. Processing of the data should begin soon.

Off Côte d’Ivoire the company negotiated additional acreage last year in two new blocks, CI-523 and CI-525. It plans an extensive 3D seismic acquisition campaign later in 2014.
