Petronas plans Phase 2 water injection support at South Furious offshore Sabah
Aug. 24, 2022
Petronas has approved the South Furious 30 Water Flood Phase 2 project in the North Sabah production sharing contract offshore Malaysia, according to partner Hibiscus Energy.
Courtesy Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad
South Furious
Offshore staff
Courtesy Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad
North Sabah PSC
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia —Petronas has approved the South Furious 30 Water Flood Phase 2 project in the North Sabah production sharing contract offshore Malaysia, according to partner Hibiscus Energy.
This involves drilling of six water injectors and five oil infill wells at the South Furious 30 Field, the aims being to increase production and reserves recovery via pressure support from water injection and sweep into existing and new oil producers.
All 11 wells will be drilled from a newly installed wellhead platform, bridge-linked to an existing jacket. The drilling could start in September 2023, with a new water injection facility set to be added to the field in August 2024.
Hibiscus has also issued an update on its proposed Teal West development in the UK central North Sea in Block 21/124d. The company’s subsidiary, Anasuria Hibiscus, has decided to proceed with the activities on a 100% basis after partner NEO Energy announced its intention to withdraw from the license.
However, the process of assigning NEO Energy’s interest to Anasuria Hibiscus remains subject to the approval of the UK’s North Sea Transition Authority.
Courtesy Hibiscus Petroleum Berhad
Teal West tieback to Anasuria FPSO
The base plan is to drill an oil producer well to the southeast of the Teal West Field, with a water injector added on the west flank of the structure about 12 to 18 months after first oil. Production would be exported to the Anasuria FPSO 4 km away, where well fluids would undergo processing and onward transport via the Anasuria infrastructure.
Anasuria Hibiscus submitted its field development plan and environmental statement to the UK authorities on Aug. 2, and it expects to secure consent within the next six months.