Valeura switches drilling focus to Jasmine field offshore Thailand
March 4, 2025
Related To: Valeura Energy Inc.
Valeura Energy has completed a five-well infill drilling program on the Manora Field in the Gulf of Thailand.
The campaign, in license G1/48, comprised three development wells for production purposes and two appraisal wells, which led to identification of up to five potential future drilling targets.
The A34 well, drilled for infill development targets within the deep 600-series sands in Manora’s eastern fault block, was completed as a multi-zone comingled producer. In the same fault block, the horizontal A38 well was drilled and completed in the shallower 300-series sands, incorporating a downhole autonomous inflow control device to manage water versus oil production.
Valeura is monitoring the impact of this and other inflow control devices elsewhere on its fields, with a view to optimizing application of the technology.
The A36 well, targeting sands across various producing intervals in Manora’s main fault block, was completed as a multi-zone infill development well. Currently, only the deepest targets are producing, and the shallower zones are set to be brought onstream later.
A35, which appraised zones of interest within the shallower 300-series sands, has since been plugged and abandoned. The horizontal A37, drilled as a combined appraisal/development well encountered an encouraging appraisal target in the 500-series sands; the section within the deeper 600-series sands was completed as a producer.
The contracted rig has now relocated to license B5/27 for a drilling program from Valeura’s Jasmine C wellhead platform.
In November 2024, Valeura Energy completed a five-well infill drilling program on its Jasmine field in license B5/27 in the Gulf of Thailand, and three new wells came onstream from the Jasmine D platform (all drilled as producers).
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