Petrobras makes third oil discovery in Rights Transfer area
June 11, 2012
Petrobras has made an oil discovery in the third Sul de Guará region well.
Offshore staff
RIO DE JANEIRO –Petrobras has made an oil discovery in the third Sul de Guará region well. The Santos basin well, drilled in the presalt cluster, is 320 km (≈200 mi.) offshore São Paulo state is in 2,202 m (7,224 ft.) of water in the southern part of Sapinhoá field.
Cable tests on well 1-BRSA-1045-SPS (1-SPS-96) confirmed 27º API oil from carbonate reservoirs below the salt. The well is being deepened to 5,058 m (16,594 ft.) to define the lower limits of the reservoir.
Following that, a formation test to determine productivity is slated according to the Mandatory Exploration Program with the Rights Transfer Contract.