Norske Shell has failed in its latest attempt to prove further resources at the deepwater Ormen Lange field in the Norwegian Sea.
Offshore staff
OSLO, Norway -- Norske Shell has failed in its latest attempt to prove further resources at the deepwater Ormen Lange field in the Norwegian Sea.
Appraisal well 6305/4-2 S was drilled by the drillship West Navigator, 12 km (7.4 mi) northwest of the field’s main production area in license PL 209. It was designed to delineate the field’s northern extent.
According to the Norwegian Petroleum Directorate (NPD), the well encountered reservoir rocks of variable quality in the Egga reservoir unit and the Jorsalfare foramtion, but the well was dry. NPD says the results of the well will be incorporated into the ongoing evaluation of Ormen Lange, but will not lead to a revision of the field’s assumed recoverable volumes.
This was the eighth exploration drilled on the Ormen Lange field. It was drilled in a water depth of 1,086 m (3,563 ft) to a vertical depth of 2,869 m (9,413 ft) below the sea surface, and was terminated in the Upper Cretaceous Kyrre formation.
TheWest Navigator will resume production drilling duties on the field.