The Dussafu license is situated within the Ruche Exclusive Exploitation Area (Ruche EEA), which covers 850 sq km and includes six discovered oil fields and numerous leads and prospects.
Offshore staff
OSLO, Norway—BW Energy says drilling has started on the Hibiscus South exploration prospect (DHBSM-1) in the Dussafu Marin license offshore Gabon.
The location is 5 km southwest of the BW MaBoMo production platform. If the well delivers commercial volumes, the rig will return in 2024 to complete it as a producer.
BW Energy’s ongoing Hibiscus/Ruche drilling campaign is targeting an increase in production from the license to about 40,000 bbl/d when all the wells are completed and onstream.
At the Ruche Field, drilling/completion activities on the DRM-3H production well were recently suspended to seek an alternative final casing design after encountering oil in the Gamba reservoir.
The company expects to return to complete the well later in the campaign after additional casing material has come through.