Halliburton develops EarthStar X for improved well placement

June 8, 2023
Halliburton has released its EarthStar X near-bit shallow and ultradeep resistivity service, part of the iStar intelligent drilling and logging platform.

Offshore staff

HOUSTON  Halliburton has released its EarthStar X near-bit shallow and ultradeep resistivity service, part of the iStar intelligent drilling and logging platform.

According to the company, EarthStar X’s near-bit, ultra-deep reservoir mapping sensor increases well placement accuracy, detecting geological changes early and enabling fast well trajectory correction to remain in the most productive zones.

Integrated shallow resistivity measurements are said to allow for early assessment of reserves and accurate fluid characterization, leading to improved reservoir insight while lowering operational complexity and risks.

“We listened and responded to operators to create the industry's ‘closest to bit' ultra-deep resistivity measurements,” said Jim Collins, vice president of Sperry Drilling. “The EarthStar X service enables accurate reserves evaluation to help place wells in the productive zone of even the most complex reservoirs.”

EarthStar X maps the geology in three dimensions using ultra-deep azimuthal resistivity measurements and inversion processing to geosteer, geostop and geomap. Real-time fluid and bed boundaries visualization can place the well in the reservoir's most productive zone and increase the section's net-to-gross value, Halliburton added.

The ultra-deep azimuthal resistivity sensor to the bit can detect formation changes early and adjust the well path adjustment to avoid early exits and limit the likelihood of significant borehole tortuosity, which is critical to a successful completion.

The integrated resistivity approach, the company adds, removes the need for a separate propagation resistivity tool, minimizing thread connections and BHA length.
