Petronas has discovered hydrocarbons offshore Suriname with the Sloanea-1 well in block 52.
(Courtesy Maersk Drilling)
The semisubmersible drilling rig Maersk Developer.
Offshore staff
KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia – Petronas has discovered hydrocarbons offshore Suriname with the Sloanea-1 well in block 52.
The semisubmersible Maersk Developer drilled the well to a TD of 4,780 m (15,682 ft). According to Petronas, the well encountered several hydrocarbon-bearing sandstone intervals with good reservoir qualities in the Campanian section.
Data from the well is helping to calibrate the hydrocarbon potential across the block. The company and partner ExxonMobil are assessing the results in order to determine the full extent of the discovery.
Block 52 covers a 4,749-sq km (1,834-sq mi) area, 121 km (75 mi) north of Paramaribo. Water depths range from 50-1,100 m (160-3,600 ft).