Conrad targets 3D survey of deepwater acreage in Aceh permits
April 29, 2024
Conrad Asia Energy has issued an update on its exploration work on the Offshore North West Aceh and Offshore South West Aceh blocks in Indonesia’s Aceh province.
Conrad received a 75% Increase in total net attributable resources in offshore North West and South West Aceh about one year ago. The map highlights the offshore Aceh PSCs awarded to Conrad.
Offshore staff
SINGAPORE — Conrad Asia Energy has issued an update on its exploration work on the Offshore North West Aceh and Offshore South West Aceh blocks in Indonesia’s Aceh province.
Independent Competent Persons Reports (CPRs) by THREE60 Energy covering the discovered biogenic gas resources in the shallow-water areas indicate a 2C contingent resource of 214 Bcf in three of the four discovered gas accumulations.
Both production sharing contracts (PSC) also have deepwater potential with various potential multi-Tcf structures, prospectively above 15 Tcf in total.
Seismic studies of these structures have revealed gas chimneys and flat spots, providing direct indications for the presence of hydrocarbons. Reprocessing of existing 2D seismic data continues along with planning for the acquisition of up to 500 sq km of new 3D data over each PSC later in the year.
The aims are to delineate near field, low-risk drilling opportunities in the shallow-water areas and to evaluate the deepwater prospective targets.
Work on the environmental permits for seismic acquisition will begin shortly for subsequent submission to relevant government authorities for approval.