Petrobras elects new chief governance and compliance officer

April 27, 2023
Petrobras' board of directors has elected Mário Spinelli as the company's chief governance and compliance officer, with a term until April 13, 2025.

Offshore staff

RIO DE JANEIRO  Petrobras' board of directors has elected Mário Vinícius Claussen Spinelli as the company's chief governance and compliance officer, with a term until April 13, 2025, the same term as the other members of the executive board.

Spinelli holds a PhD in public administration and government from the São Paulo School of Business Administration of the Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV-SP) and a master in public administration from the Fundação João Pinheiro (FJP-MG). 

He served as chief regulatory compliance officer at the company Protiviti-ICTS since 2022. He was general ombudsman of Petrobras for two terms (2016-2021), general controller of the State of Minas Gerais (2015), and the first general controller of the city of São Paulo (2013-2014), among other roles.

He also has published research, academic articles and works in the areas of prevention and combat of corruption, transparency and access to information, protection of personal data, government control and compliance.

Petrobras said, "The company appreciates the leadership and important work of Salvador Dahan at the head of this board since May 2021."
