Monitoring spread assists personnel, vessel moves offshore Nigeria

June 22, 2012
Fugro GEOS has designed and commissioned an environmental and marine monitoring system for Total’s Usan FPSO, which recently entered service offshore Nigeria.

Offshore staff

WALLINGFORD, UK – Fugro GEOS has designed and commissioned an environmental and marine monitoring system for Total’s Usan FPSO, which recently entered service offshore Nigeria.

The real-time meteorological and marine data, designed to enhance safety of offshore operations, are provided by sensors on a surface Wavescan buoy, moored 2 km (1.2 mi) away, and by a range of instrumentation onboard the 320-m (1,050-ft) long FPSO.

The new equipment was installed on the vessel at the Hyundai yard in South Korea, prior to its three-month voyage to the Usan oil field.

Fugro’s system acquires and processes data, which are distributed in real-time via displays in both the radio room and the central control room onboard, and interfaced with the FPSO’s distributed control system.

Real-time information is needed for helicopter operations and to assist tanker movements, berthing, and general offshore operations. It is also used to provide vessel performance and response monitoring and weather forecasting.

Data provided includes wind, temperature, humidity, pressure, cloud, visibility, precipitation, and vessel motion. Sensors on the Wavescan buoy provide marine parameters such as waves, current profiles, and sea temperature.

The information is accessible from Total’s onshore base and will also be made available to Météo-France.
