OEDSG calls for escalation of digitalization in UK offshore sectors
Offshore staff
LONDON — The Offshore Energy Digital Strategy Group (OEDSG) claims that digitalization is gaining momentum across the UK’s oil and gas and renewable energy sectors.
This follows a recent survey report that incorporated responses from more than 30 oil, gas and renewable operator companies with further input also provided from technology developers and supply chain companies.
OEDSG comprises Offshore Energies UK (OEUK), Opportunity North East (ONE), Net Zero Technology Centre (NZTC), Technology Leadership Board (TLB), North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA), The Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland.
The survey recorded an 8% improvement in terms of strategy, leadership, training and capabilities, but also a lag in data maturity. This suggests more companies should focus on developing data strategies to capitalize on future opportunities.
At the same time, companies appear to be adopting a wider range of digital technologies and data so the situation will likely improve.
Other findings from the survey included the need for increased collaboration and coordination to help organizations make better use of the data and digital technologies, which in turn could advance cleaner energy production.
Some organizations are adopting data-related technologies such as cloud platforms, data mesh and data visualization tools to enable higher levels of collaboration.
The survey also highlighted the lack of access to digital and data skills as a significant impediment to the delivery of digital and data strategies. Challenges relate to upskilling of the existing workforce and recruiting new personnel into relevant roles across the sectors.
Based on its analysis, the OEDSG is recommending greater efforts to improve digital maturity, with a focus on smaller organizations, in wind, oil, and gas; strengthening collaboration between operators in every energy sector, operators and the supply chain, and between energy sectors to drive cross-industry digitalization; and nurturing a culture that encourage staff to adopt data-driven work practices and equip employees with the required skills and knowledge.