Aker BP wells team shares innovation award

Nov. 28, 2022
Aker BP and Inmeta have jointly won the Norwegian Computer Association’s innovation award for their Wells value stream-team collaboration.

Offshore staff

LYSAKER, Norway  Aker BP and Inmeta have jointly won the Norwegian Computer Association’s innovation award for their Wells value stream-team collaboration.

The team has developed a tool for automatic interpretation of subsurface data. It uses algorithms and machine learning on data from well logs to solve two problems associated with interpretation of well information:

  1. One is "BadLog Flagging," the process of providing quality assurance of large volumes of data before they are further interpreted. Traditionally this has involved time-consuming, but critical, manual work as bad data can negatively impact future interpretations.
  2. Another development is shale volume interpretation to determine the location and size of reservoirs.
